
Engineer in the warehouse image
Mindr logo cropped image

When people know more, they do better.

Our technology helps people know where they stand and gives them the power to make the right choice, the safe choice, with confidence.


Intoxicated vehicle starts prevented since 2020


1+ Million

Drivers we’ve helped regain their licenses


$2.9 Million

Financial aid provided year to date

Mindr logo road image

Simpler and safer at every step

We keep people and communities safe. For more than 35 years we’ve been a force for good, helping people make positive changes.  As a trusted leader with innovative and easy-to-use technology, we instill confidence for the journey of your life.

Intoxalock Logo Image
Keepr Logo Image
Breathe Easy Logo Image
Alcohol Detection Systems Logo Image

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Careers at Mindr

Join us on our life-saving mission.  

We’re driven by our passion for innovation and desire to keep people and communities safe.

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